Exciting News!

Seasons greetings! I hope everyone is having a great holiday.

A lot of people don’t know that after Dead Inside was released I suffered a major health crisis. I was admitted to the ICU where I stayed for several weeks. Illness destroyed my life in many ways. Took many things from me. There’s no way to regain all that I lost. However, there is something I can do. Which is why…

Dead Inside is being re-released with a new cover—to be released soon.

The marketing for it never got done due to my illness and all the social media posts I missed will be done. Also, there will be swag. So much swag. Bookmarks. And more. There will also be an opportunity to purchase special editions here on my site.

Stay tuned for updates on the re-release. Also, for those who have read Dead Inside, there will be a character page after the New Year. You’ll get to see all the Dead Inside characters you love in living color.

There will also be an update on the second Dead Inside novel titled:


Dead Inside: Death Becomes Her


Dearly Beloved Cover Reveal